1 /**
  2  * @file Exceptions handler
  3  *
  4  * @author Dominik Kocuj
  5  * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License v2 or later
  6  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2018 kocuj.pl
  7  */
  9 (function() {})(); // empty function for correct minify with comments
 10 //'use strict'; // for jshint uncomment this and comment line above
 12 /* jshint strict: true */
 13 /* jshint -W034 */
 15 /* global kocujILV12aCException */
 16 /* global kocujPLV12aExceptionCode */
 18 /**
 19  * Exception prototype constructor
 20  *
 21  * @constructs
 22  * @namespace kocujPLV12aCException
 23  * @public
 24  * @param {number} [code] Error code
 25  * @param {string} [filename] Filename with error
 26  * @param {string} [param] Parameter for error information
 27  * @return {void}
 28  */
 29 function kocujPLV12aCException(code, filename, param) {
 30 	'use strict';
 31 	/* jshint validthis: true */
 32 	// get this object
 33 	var self = this;
 34 	// execute parent
 35 	kocujILV12aCException.call(self, code, filename, param);
 36 }
 38 // exception prototype
 39 kocujPLV12aCException.prototype = new kocujILV12aCException();
 40 kocujPLV12aCException.prototype.constructor = kocujPLV12aCException;
 42 /**
 43  * Get exception name
 44  *
 45  * @private
 46  * @return {string} Exception name
 47  */
 48 kocujPLV12aCException.prototype._getExceptionName = function() {
 49 	'use strict';
 50 	// exit
 51 	return 'kocujpllibv12a';
 52 };
 54 /**
 55  * Set errors codes and texts
 56  *
 57  * @private
 58  * @return {void}
 59  */
 60 kocujPLV12aCException.prototype._setErrors = function() {
 61 	'use strict';
 62 	// set errors
 63 	var codes = kocujPLV12aExceptionCode;
 64 	this._errors[codes.OK] = 'OK';
 65 	this._errors[codes.EMPTY_PROJECT_ID] = 'Empty project identifier';
 66 	this._errors[codes.PROJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST] = 'Project does not exist';
 67 	this._errors[codes.PROJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS] = 'Project already exists';
 68 	this._errors[codes.ADD_THANKS_EMPTY_WINDOW_FUNCTION] = 'Empty window function for add thanks script';
 69 	this._errors[codes.ADD_THANKS_EMPTY_API_URL] = 'Empty API URL for add thanks script';
 70 	this._errors[codes.ADD_THANKS_EMPTY_API_LOGIN] = 'Empty API login for add thanks script';
 71 };