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Function Namespace kocujILV12aCAllJsAjax

Defined in: js-ajax.js.

Function Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
AJAX prototype constructor
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Object kocujILV12aHelper
Projects list
Current script filename
Script settings - AJAX URL
Script settings - proxy can be used (true) or not (false)
Script settings - prefix
Script settings - security string
Script settings - throw errors (true) or not (false)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Check arguments for adding project
_deactivateTimer(projectId, connectionId)
Deactivate timer
_error(projectId, connectionId, isProxy, callbackError, callbackRetryWait, callbackRetryNow, sendMethodArguments, obj, status, err)
AJAX loading error
Parse project identifier
_success(projectId, connectionId, isProxy, callbackSuccess, data, status, obj)
AJAX loading success
_throwError(codeString, param)
Throw an error if debugging is enabled
Add project
Add project if not exists
send(projectId, connectionId, url, method, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request
sendGet(projectId, connectionId, url, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with GET method
sendJson(projectId, connectionId, url, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with JSON data
sendPost(projectId, connectionId, url, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with POST method
Function Namespace Detail
AJAX prototype constructor
Field Detail
<private> _objHelper
Object kocujILV12aHelper

<private> _prj
Projects list

<private> _thisFilename
Current script filename

<private> _valsAjaxUrl
Script settings - AJAX URL

<private> _valsCanUseProxy
Script settings - proxy can be used (true) or not (false)

<private> _valsPrefix
Script settings - prefix

<private> _valsSecurity
Script settings - security string

<private> _valsThrowErrors
Script settings - throw errors (true) or not (false)
Method Detail
<private> {Object} _checkAddProject(projectId)
Check arguments for adding project
{string} projectId
Project identifier
kocujILV12aExceptionCode.EMPTY_PROJECT_ID if project identifier entered in projectId is empty
{Object} Parsed arguments for adding project

<private> {void} _deactivateTimer(projectId, connectionId)
Deactivate timer
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier

<private> {void} _error(projectId, connectionId, isProxy, callbackError, callbackRetryWait, callbackRetryNow, sendMethodArguments, obj, status, err)
AJAX loading error
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{boolean} isProxy
AJAX has been sent through proxy (true) or directly (false)
{function} callbackError
Callback function for AJAX error
{function} callbackRetryWait
Callback function for doing something before waiting for AJAX request retry
{function} callbackRetryNow
Callback function for doing something at the beginning of AJAX request retry
{Array} sendMethodArguments
Argument for method send() which are used when there is trying to connect again
{Object} obj
Request object
{string} status
Text status
{string} err

<private> {string} _parseProjectId(projectId)
Parse project identifier
{string} projectId
Project identifier
kocujILV12aExceptionCode.EMPTY_PROJECT_ID if project identifier entered in projectId is empty
kocujILV12aExceptionCode.PROJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST if project identifier entered in projectId does not exist
{string} Parsed project identifier

<private> {void} _success(projectId, connectionId, isProxy, callbackSuccess, data, status, obj)
AJAX loading success
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{boolean} isProxy
AJAX has been sent through proxy (true) or directly (false)
{function} callbackSuccess
Callback function for AJAX success
{anything} data
{string} status
Text status
{Object} obj
Request object

<private> {void} _throwError(codeString, param)
Throw an error if debugging is enabled
{string} codeString
Error code in string format
{string} param Optional
Parameter for error information

{void} addProject(projectId)
Add project
{string} projectId
Project identifier
kocujILV12aExceptionCode.PROJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS if project identifier entered in projectId already exists

{void} addProjectIfNotExists(projectId)
Add project if not exists
{string} projectId
Project identifier

{void} send(projectId, connectionId, url, method, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{string} url
{string} method
Request method
{string} dataType
Data type
{Object} data Optional
Data to send
{Object} callbacks Optional
Callback functions for AJAX request; there are the following callbacks available: error (when there was an error with request), retryWait (when there will be a retring of connection after a few seconds), retryNow (when there will be a retring of connection now), success (when there was a success)

{void} sendGet(projectId, connectionId, url, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with GET method
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{string} url
{string} dataType
Data type
{Object} data Optional
Data to send
{Object} callbacks Optional
Callback functions for AJAX request; there are the following callbacks available: error (when there was an error with request), retryWait (when there will be a retring of connection after a few seconds), retryNow (when there will be a retring of connection now), success (when there was a success)

{void} sendJson(projectId, connectionId, url, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with JSON data
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{string} url
{Object} data Optional
Data to send
{Object} callbacks Optional
Callback functions for AJAX request; there are the following callbacks available: error (when there was an error with request), retryWait (when there will be a retring of connection after a few seconds), retryNow (when there will be a retring of connection now), success (when there was a success)

{void} sendPost(projectId, connectionId, url, dataType, data, callbacks)
Send AJAX request with POST method
{string} projectId
Project identifier
{string} connectionId
Connection identifier
{string} url
{string} dataType
Data type
{Object} data Optional
Data to send
{Object} callbacks Optional
Callback functions for AJAX request; there are the following callbacks available: error (when there was an error with request), retryWait (when there will be a retring of connection after a few seconds), retryNow (when there will be a retring of connection now), success (when there was a success)

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