Settings; there are the following settings which must be used: "global_additional" (array type; additional settings; there are the following additional settings which can be used: "defaultitle" (string type; default title which will be used if title is empty), "optiondisplaytitle" (string type; option name for displaying or not displaying the title), "optiondisplaytitlelabel" (string type; label for option for displaying or not displaying the title), "optiondisplaytitletooltip" (string type; tooltip for option for displaying or not displaying the title), "optiontitle" (string type; option name for title), "optiontitlelabel" (string type; label for option for title), "optiontitletooltip" (string type; tooltip for option for title)), "global_containerid" (string type; container identifier), "global_description" (string type; widget description), "global_projectobj" (object type; project object)